Biblical Basics & Beyond

Biblical Basics
Whether you&quotve been a Christian for only a little while or for a long time, it&quots very important to know the core beliefs of being a Christian as well as what sets up apart from other “Christian like” religions. Below I provide links that touch on both.

Does God Really Exist?
Should Women Be Pastors and Elders? (long, but well worth the read)

Difference Between Christianity and...
Catholicism (Side-By-Side Comparison)
Jehovah&quots Witnesses

As Christians we strive to be more like Christ, but with the world&quots screwed up values system it&quots hard to get good help and guidence. Below are links that have either helped my family&quots spiritual growth or provided us with uplifting encouragement.

Bob Jones University
Blue Letter Bible
Christain Answeres
DNA Of Relationships
Focus On The Family
Focus On Your Child
WJQ (Radio Station)
WCSG (Radio Station)